Virtual Showroom
Showing your virtual store hours
Record special events
Showing products to your clients in real time
Scheduler for Appointments
Online scheduling
Real time Employee Management
Marketing, phone calls & emails / month
Alert or Notification via email or text message*
100 text messages per month
100 phone calls per month
100 emails per month
Displaying your ads on our site 24x7
Create landing page for your store
Creating ads for special promotions or sale
Direct Facebook Connect
Credit Card processing
Payroll and Employee Management
HR, Payroll & Invoicing*
Online Reporting
Time Reporting
Customer Support
Friendly Support
Hands on Training Upfront
Maintenance Support as Needed
Client Management
Staying in touch with your client 24x7
Customized Client Management Tool is available
No website? No Problem. We will build your website*
Event Management
Create, promote and plan Events using our Event Management Platform
*Call for special pricing
VirtualMall is a product of Software Goldsmith Inc. (SGI). This is cloud based software application and it has been designed as a portal where all merchants and customers can meet to run their business. First, all merchants register and open their virtual stores. These stores remain open 24x7 on this site and top of that it can act as real stores like any other regular malls. These store owners can post their store hours on this site and during this period they can show their products to potential customers in real time to offer a real feeling of being at the store to their customers. Most of the current online stores display static product information and do not provide any regular store hours or any option to interact with merchants in real time as they can do at regular stores. Many times customers like to ask questions about products to merchants or want to chat about other topics in real time to make decision. But, they can't do that and many sells get lost due to that opportunity. So, to improve customers experience and to generate more revenues for merchants, we decided to open this VirtualMall so that we can stop that gap and build a bridge between merchants & customers by offering an option called "Virtual Store Hours" to promote the real-time interaction with merchants & customers.
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